Cala del Moraig (Benitatxell), turquoise waters between cliffs 🌊

Cala Moraig Benitatxell

Cala Moraig is a beautiful beach in Benitachell / El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, in the north of the province of Alicante.

The beauty of this cove with seasonally regulated access is one of the most coveted of the Costa Blanca.

In this article -updated in 2023- we tell you everything you need to know to enjoy this natural wonder. Would you like to visit it?

Description Cala Moraig

Cala Moraig - Ruta Acantilados de Benitatxell
Cala Moraig - Ruta Acantilados de Benitatxell

Cala Moraig is a beach of coarse sand and pebbles, about 300 meters long, although only 200 meters are suitable for swimming.

It has a Blue Flag (2023) and lifeguard service in season.

El Moraig is an adapted beach, with parking and access for people with reduced mobility.

In the most secluded corner of the cove, beyond a large rock, naturism is usually practiced.

Access is regulated and must be done on foot (long asphalt ramp down/up) or by free shuttle bus. I’ll tell you the details later.

In case you’re wondering: YES, fame is deserved. Cala Moraig is one of the 20 most beautiful coves in Alicante. Its turquoise waters and posidonia sea beds, as well as the imposing cliffs that flank it, make the beauty of Moraig unique.

For all this and much more, Cala del Moraig is one of the essential places to visit in Alicante.

Access Measures 2024

Cala Moraig, Benitachell
Playa del Moraig

Quick summary: if you go by car, you will have to pay 12€ for parking. There is a free shuttle bus that goes up and down the hill every 15 minutes and makes 4 trips a day from the village. Here you can check the schedules.

Access by Car to Cala Moraig

From April 1 to October 15, from 9.00 to 19.00 hours, will be in operation the system of video surveillance parking and parking space reservation through the website
or through the app.

Reservations can also be made at the kiosk at the beginning of the descent, but it is better to make them in advance. Before going down to the cove by car you will find information panels about the availability of places.

Moraig Shuttle Bus

In 2023 the free shuttle bus service will continue to operate, taking beach users from the upper parking lot to the cove every 15-20 minutes.

There will be 4 round trips from the parking lot of the cemetery (in the village) that will connect the beach with the town of Benitatxell. This avoids the saturation of cars in the cove.

An amazing fact about this cove, which very few people know, is that it is of artificial origin: as part of the urban development process of the “Cumbre del Sol” the cliffs were dynamited to create the beach. Precisely because of this, Cala del Moraig is usually swept by sea storms every winter. In 2020 it was decided to re-naturalize the beach and the Cova dels Arcs, returning them to the most natural aspect possible.

Moraig Cove Virtual Tour

Shuttle Bus Cala Moraig 2024

As it did in 2021, the City Council of Poble Nou de Benitatxell has launched a shuttle bus service to encourage people who want to visit Cala Moraig to use public transport. The bus leaves from the village, it is free and you will avoid paying for parking at Cala Moraig. It also goes down to the beach.

Download the following image with the timetable information of the Shuttle Bus Cala Moraig:

How to get to Cala Moraig

Cala Moraig, route of the cliffs of Benitatxell
Views towards Cala Moraig, from the path of the cliffs of Benitatxell

From Alicante, we arrive at Poble Nou de Benitatxell in approximately one hour, taking exit 63 of the AP7 (Benissa). We cross Teulada, and after about 5 kilometers along a winding road we reach the town center.

The old town (which is worth a visit) is perched on a hill, surrounded by gently undulating, radiantly green, terraced hills. Muscatel grapes are grown in this area (less and less). We cross the village towards the urbanization “Cumbre del Sol”, which has (unfortunately) conquered the slopes of Puig de la Llorença, a fantastic vantage point from which to look out over the Marina Alta.

All that remains is to descend through the huge urbanization to reach the parking area located in the upper part of the cove. Once the vehicle is parked, it is time to walk the road. It is advisable not to be overloaded, as the return trip will be uphill…

Below you can see the location map:

What to see in Benitachell

Mirador Ruta acantilados Benitatxell

If you want to discover other attractions of the town, do not miss the article on what to see and do in Benitachell.

Do not miss...
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Buenas Prácticas

• Sigue siempre los senderos. Atajar daña el entorno.
• Respeta flora, fauna y entorno. Disfruta en Silencio.
• No dejes rastro de tu paso, tampoco restos orgánicos.
• Infórmate, Planifica y Equípate bien para disfrutar al máximo.
• Respeta el Patrimonio Cultural (ruinas, márgenes de piedra, etc).
• Respeta a otras personas y propiedades privadas.

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